Hear a short chapter or two of Maizy's Chen's Last Chance read aloud, then do a hands-on STEAM activity related to the book. Click the title to see daily activities.
Monday: Make a family photo and stories album with scrapbooking materials. Bring your own photos or digital files for us to print for you.
Tuesday: Make tiny food from polymer clay.
Wednesday: Learn to play poker and build your math skills with math educator Josh Jetton.
Thursday: Make parachute people with repurposed items from the ScrapBox, an organization that reduces waste in our community.
Friday: Learn the basics of how and why to make compost with your food scraps and yard waste with the Washtenaw County Materials Management Division! A hands on demonstration and take-home activity will be included.
AGE GROUP: | Kids and Parents |
EVENT TYPE: | Ypsi Family Read | Other | Art & Music |
TAGS: | stem |
Our largest branch on Whittaker Road, near the roundabout, has 6 meeting rooms, including our large Community Room.
**Please note**Attendance at Library events constitutes consent to be photographed for use in print and/or electronic publicity for the Ypsilanti District Library.